Nataliia Buhaiova
Healing by sight
Artwork completed in artist's unique plaster and bandage technique.
"Hanchbynt" is a unique artistic technique with many possibilities for creativity. This technique utilizes medical bandages in creating art images by laying them on a base (textile, cardboard, glass, etc.). The dressing gives depth and sophistication. For the unrestrained imagination and fantasy of the artist, this, at first glance, simple, uncomplicated material is a powerful tool of creativity.
It is, first of all, a visual approach with great folds of the textile mesh of the bandage, which gives the effect of deep space and the plasticity of clear lines of threads.
It offers both the saturation of oil paints and a slight hint of watercolor. The layering of painted layers of cloth gives the effect of transparency of colored graphics.
The bandage also has a powerful symbolic meaning. It is a means of healing wounds and saving human lives.
Significantly, my exhibition opens on February 24. A year ago, our lives changed forever after the treacherous full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. Russia has become the embodiment of violence, death, unspeakable horror, and unbearable pain experienced by our people.
Our armed forces courageously defend their Homeland. The best sons and daughters put their health and lives in danger for the sake of a decent future of Ukraine.
The military theme is also in my work. Most of it is portraits. These are the images of the outstanding people of Ukraine, extraordinary personas of our time, and heroes of the 2014-2022 war.
In their courageous, sharp, far-reaching, or gentle penetrating views - a reflection of indomitability and faith in Victory, in a happy future, the revival and prosperity of the Ukrainian nation!
Ukraine, Lviv
1986 graduated from LDIPDM (now - Lviv National Academy of Arts), specialty - costume modeling.
1986-2006 lived and worked in Luhansk. She was a leading fashion designer at the Luhansk sewing enterprise (later - the Styl company), and developed collections of women's outerwear.
1989-1990 interned in France, Saint-Etienne, at the company "Licorne".
1993 completed computer graphics courses for the company "Assyst" artists in Germany.
2003 received the winner's diploma in the nomination "Best Industrial Collection" at the First Open Festival "Textiles and Fashion" (Donetsk).
2004 laureate diploma in the nomination "Best Industrial Collection" (Donetsk).
2007-2009 worked as an artist-fashion designer at the sewing company "Rolada". (Lviv)
2009-2020 worked as a fashion designer-designer of women's clothing, Crocus company (Lviv).
Since 2021, she has started creative activities in the author's HANCHBYNT technique (creating works of art using medical bandages).
2022 January, the first creative exhibition in the unique "hanchbynt" technique "Unusual in the ordinary" in the art cafe "Mazurek".
2022 August, personal exhibition, "hanchbynt" technique, Virmenka cafe.
2022 October, personal exhibition "Healing with sight" (Portrait series) in the "hanchbynt" technique, Warrior's House (Lviv).